See the protocol on the front? On the page, net to the big verisign logo:
We guarantee that every transaction you make on our website will be safe. Our secure server software (SSL) is the best software available today for secure commerce transactions. It encrypts all of your personal information, including credit card number, name, and address, so that it cannot be read as the information travels over the Internet. When an order is received, SSL is again used to unscramble the message, check that it came from the correct sender, and verify that it has
Has what? It’s a mystery.
What is it with these half-baked web pages?
In fairness I don’t think a competition entry constitutes a financial “transaction” or “order” containing sensitive details such as credit card numbers, HTTPS really isn’t necessary.
The missing text was probably just a copy and paste issue or page still being developed, as it looks fine now: “and verify that it has not been tampered with.”. Either that or it’s a web browser compatitibility – via Safari I see the text above, not netted (sic) or next, to the VeriSign logo…?
Wassup with the state dropdown, which has no options in it?… they appear to have escaped over to the right-hand-side of it.
Chris, you’re absolutely right – no financially sensitive details here. So why advertise that it’s secure (especially when it isn’t)? And yes, it’s been fixed.
I don’t recall the states being crazy last time I looked, so in fixing one thing, they’ve broken another…
In fact, the states being broken stops anything being submitted, as the Javascript won’t let you submit without the state being selected.
They must have fixed that now too, as I can see states in the combobox.
Noticed an option embedded within the terms & conditions to not receive offers via e-mail – but instead of a checkbox to toggle this they’ve used a radio button… eh?!
States combobox still broken for me in FF2.0.0.8, but looks okay in IE7. The title graphic has been defined as the wrong size, too, making it look funny.
Technically the combobox is undisplayable if you go by the rules strictly…
They open a label tag, open a font tag, and then open a select (combobox) tag…
Then they close the font tag and close the label tag.
Then they sift through the options for that combo
Then close the select
So technically the combobox began to be constructed WITHIN a label and font, but then the font and label were closed off… so strictly speaking the combobox is now null and void… yet after that they continue to define it.
So FireFox would be doing the right thing in not having any content for the combo… except that the piece of crap page never declared itself to be strict and thus FireFox should be running in dipsh#t mode to allow for such morons.
FF says it’s using Quirks mode. I guess Quirks mode has its limits though!