Converting .ts (DVB) to other formats (in Windows)

I’m always on the lookout for a better method of converting DVB (.ts) video streams to more useable formats.

This seems to do a decent job: Free Video Converter

— just beware of the installation questions; if you accept the defaults, it’ll install an unwanted toolbar, a doubtful driver optimiser, and an unneeded (in my case) plug-in for Firefox and Chrome.

Anybody got other suggestions, including for OSX?

One thought on “Converting .ts (DVB) to other formats (in Windows)

  1. Josh

    Our homebrew PVR is built around creating MKVs using the MKV Toolkit from – that’s combined with and some shell scripts so that subtitles are preserved (necessary in a noisy home, and sometimes for figuring out exactly what it is they just said). The whole process is pretty fast because there’s no transcoding – the MPG2 stream from the DVB-T broadcast is just repackaged; with a TB of storage, there’s no need to save space on the PVR. Deals with the multiple audio streams the ABC is now broadcasting on certain ABC1 programs. Details/source code on request.

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