Category Archives: General

Stuff that doesn’t fit into existing categories

Expensive Australian Apples

So, Apple still can’t get my iPod to synch my contacts and calendar even after an upgrade to iTunes they now seem to be charging me a premium for living in Australia.

If I wish to purchase QuickTime Pro in the US it will cost me USD $29.99. That translates to AUD$39.37 at toda Discus Care Made Easy y’s exchange rate. So why, given it’s a download and there’s no shipping or media involved, is the Australian apple site charging me AUD $44.95 for the same product?

Before the Appleites (you like, it’s yours to use too) get up in arms, yes, Microsoft do the same thing, as do Macromedia, Adobe and probably most major software houses but it happens that I want an Apple product now and they want to charge me more for it because I’m not in the United States and right now that’s really annoying me.

Discus Care Made Easy

Various stuff

Ren on what happens when somebody buys an iPod but has no idea how it works — Yep, one of my music nut friends who doesn’t have a computer keeps asking me about them.

Tim Berners-Lee on where the web is going.

Jakob Nielsen on designing web sites for international use — Previous rants on this topic: MSN Weather (F vs C); Web site globalisation (date and address formats)

CNet on ten sorely missed technologies — I knew a couple of guys who had Newtons… I wonder what came of them?

Long Shot

Okay, this is a long shot but if Robert Scoble is listening is there anyway you could post the audio of your videos as podcasts? I don’t have time to sit and watch a video at my PC for half an hour but I’d love to listen to it in my car on the way to work, especially the OneNote guys interview.

Running Out Of Scissors and Clag in Firefox

Yesterday after a browser crash I suddenly lost the ability to cut and paste anything to, from and within Firefox. A little hunting told me my initialisation file, user.js, must have been corrupted and that it was – so corrupted it had disappeared completely.

The solution to not being able to cut, copy or paste in Firefox is thankfully simple. If you have a user.js file simply paste the following in to it :

user_pref(“capability.policy.policynames”, “allowclipboard”);
user_pref(“capability.policy.allowclipboard.Clipboard.paste”, “allAccess”);

If you don’t have, or can’t find, your user.js file download the ChromEdit extension from, select the user.js tab and paste the above in to the box.

Of course, if you’ve found this page via Google you probably have the problem and can’t cut and paste from here so you may need the IE View (view this page in IE) extension.

The Cheek!

I just got a spam, yawn, we all say – but I noticed this one in the Outlook notification has a message ‘Get a decent capable HTML mail program’.

Not only are they spamming me, but now they’re insulting me too.

Acquired by Microsoft

Just pondering Microsoft products that they originally bought (or bought with) or licenced from other companies:

What others?