So here’s the thing. The other day I was looking at Facebook, at the Wall of a friend of mine, Jason.
And for a few minutes there, Facebook decided I was logged-on as Jason.
Except I wasn’t. I didn’t have any permissions to look at his private stuff, nor change things, but every time I clicked on the Profile button it showed me his Wall, not mine.

When I clicked Home, it thought I was me again. Clicking back to Profile, Jason again. I just couldn’t get to my own Profile.
In the bottom-right it said I had a bunch of notifications. But it wouldn’t let me see them; they must have been his.
Then I clicked logoff, and became me again.
I had a look at a couple of other friends’ Walls, it didn’t do it. But back on Jason’s, it got stuck again. I let him know, of course.
Makes me glad it didn’t just assume I was him and let me do and see anything he could. All I ever saw (apart from the number of notifications he had) was stuff I could see anyway as his friend.
All very odd.